Well… it’s been 2061 years since the assassination of Julius Caesar.  Almost as long as it’s taken to get this website going.  But here it is, the cover of The Enchanted Dagger #1.  We’re still working out the last minute tweaks so the first actual pages of the comic will start posting on Monday, March 27th.  For that first week we’ll post a new page every spectacular day!  After that we’ll settle into our regular schedule – 2 pages a week posting on Tuesday and Friday.  That should keep us going for a while.


Once we get up and running with the web-comic, I’ll be able to switch gears and get some good comic books printed so you can read The Enchanted Dagger in its natural state.  We’ll also try to get it up on Kindle so you can have something to read on the plane.  I’ll let you know when that stuff is available.  We’re also going to have a Patreon account set up so you can donate a few of your hard earn dimes every week to support our laborious efforts in exchange for souvenir trinkets and baubles.  Thank you!
Finally, please join us on facebook and twitter.  At some point in the not so distant future we’d like to Kickstart this whole shebang into a nice collection or maybe even a take stab at the direct market.  We’ll need your help!


But first and foremost I hope you enjoy this comic.  I’ve had a great time making it.  I think it’s a good sign when you get into the work on a project and it never gets boring.  That’s how it’s been working on the Enchanted Dagger and I think it will show.


“Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets!”