Alcibiades was a lisping, gamy legged politician in ancient Greece who caused all sorts of trouble during the Peloponnesian Wars.  At times working for his home town Athens and later their Spartan adversaries he would eventually turncoat back to Athens and devise the invasion of the Spartan colony of Sicily.  This plan did not work out well.  On this page we also meet Chamroot.  He’s sort of the Hermes character in the comic, speaking of ancient Greece.  The Herald.  He is also hails from Comic’s Golden Age, although his name back then was Charmroot.  Truth be told there is nothing significant about the name change.  I mislabeled his name in my image files and didn’t notice until I read his character bio that it was “Charm” not “Cham.”  I kind of liked the name Chamroot for some reason…probably because I had been wondering to myself, “Chamroot?  what the heck is a Chamroot?” So Chamroot it is and the mystery endures…