Oh boy, now I really need to get to work on the issue #4 cover.  Actually, I did do some work on it this past week so I should have something to share in a couple of weeks.  Pages 1-24 are in the later stages of completion…with the notable exception of pages 6 & 7, a two page spread that I’ve been working on for…well…I save the details for later.  With luck I’ll be able to get to work on Issue 5 in a few weeks.  Thus far I’ve been doing everything on the computer and I’ve grown to miss actually drawing things with a pencil.  Now that I’ve got a better handle on the computer art, I think I’ll take the old drawing hand out for a walk.

This was a fun page of the Moon Man story.  I really loved that mirror ball helmet…. I think this was where I realized that I’d be better off inking with vectors as opposed to the ‘calligraphic’ pens.  I would later realize that my computer had a much easier time processing the vectors, too….for reasons unbeknownst to me.   I’d like to do another Moon Man story at some point.